2014 Holy Week Photos

Happy Easter!

The generosity of our God, to send His only begotten Son, not just to be the shepherd of the sheep —already an ineffable condescension— but Himself to be the lowliest lamb who is slain to save the life of all the others of the flock. This condescension is the greatest possible —greater love than this hath no man— but how much love for God?

Indeed, greater love still, and a great mystery. Rejoice! This is our great God! This generosity inspires the gift of the Eucharist! And many other gifts besides. On behalf of Fr. Marsolle, Fr. McNeely and myself, may your hearts sing the Easter Alleluia!

~Fr. Novokowsky

Below you will find some pictures from Holy Week, including our Palm Sunday Procession, the Baptism of LaPortsia Wallis and the Easter Vigil.

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