Please Submit Content

Keeping a website fresh and up to date is hard work!

Help us by submitting content for display throughout the site.

Did you attend a recent parish function? Write a short article about it and submit it with a couple pictures so that everyone can see how great it was.

Have an upcoming event planned? Submit an article describing how much fun it is going to be.

Only registered users can submit articles and pictures, so sign up by clicking here. Once you have logged in you will see a link to Submit News & Pictures. If your submission is selected for use, it may be edited for space and/or content. Your name will appear at the bottom of the article as a thank you for your contribution. Keep in mind that anything you submit may be used on the website and become visible to the entire internet. So if you are going to submit pictures, please be sure that anyone in the picture is alright with their image being used.

Your help in maintaining our parish's online presence is greatly appreciated!